Preserved by his marvelous power

August 19–25: preserved by his marvelous power

Alma 56:46–47

46 For as I had ever called them my sons (for they were all of them very young) even so they said unto me: Father, behold our God is with us, and he will not suffer that we should fall; then let us go forth; we would not slay our brethren if they would let us alone; therefore let us go, lest they should overpower the army of Antipus.

47 Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.

It’s important to teach our children not to doubt Faith, but to believe that God Will deliver those who choose to be his disciples.

Alma 57: 26–27

26 And now, their preservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain. And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.

27 Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually.

These verses remind us again to trust in the Lord, do not doubt that he will preserve us and give us a portion of his marvelous power. Have a firm mind and resolved put your trust in God continually. How can we do this every day?

One Way, perhaps, is to identify attendance that attracts you that you know damages your relationship with God. And then find a way, after making a covenant with God to no longer be involved in such things, mark or symbolize your covenant by throwing something away – Or even bearing something into the earth like what the anti-Nephi Lehigh did Alma 53 they were involved in murder, so after being converted and making a covenant with God never to murder anyone again, they symbolically DUG holes in the Earth and buried their weapons of war. What are some dash what is the one thing that I could bury that is keeping me from having the spirit every day?

Having faith in God helps me overcome fear.

Alma 53: 20–21

20 And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.

21 Yea, they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before him.

What does it mean to be true at all times and whatsoever thing they were interested? They implies absolute integrity. It implies keeping your commitments. Requires accomplishing whatever goal it is that they were given. They were honorable, diligent, committed, hard-working, and trustworthy to do whatever they say that they would do. How do I develop this attribute? Is the years of come by I realize this is one of my greatest weaknesses. In the moment I often forget what I’ve been interested, I forget my commitments, I show up late, I don’t show apps integrity. Perhaps the answer to this question and question is found in 21. Be a man of truth an soberness. Learn the commandments of God and keep them. Because when you do the spirit is with you and when the spirit is with you it’s much easier for you to be true at all times and whatsoever thing you are interested.

Alma 50 3:56 says but behold, to my great joy, there had not one soul of them fallen into the Earth; yay, and they had fought as if with the strength of God; yay, never were men known to a fight with such miraculous strength; and with such mighty power did they fall upon the laminates, they did frighten them; and for this caused to laminates deliver themselves up as prisoners of war.

I need to fight with a strength of God every day in my life as I venture out into the world and fight against wickedness and high places, spiritual darkness, evil from others and from the adversary – Seeking to destroy me. I need to search for and have miraculous strength. I also need to remember to trust but verify! Recently had an incident with a team member who was very difficult to work with, was not a team player, was very critical and rude in giving feedback, and we found out later had very inappropriate messages on his laptop and other places. Another words the person was not an ideal team player and I felt badly about letting him go at first. But, after discovering inappropriate images, I felt better about my decision and need to trust and rely on God more and not feel badly when we need to move away from other people who are difficult to work with. I need to always seek for the spirit so that I can always make better decisions and everything that I do.

Alma 57:26

And now, their preservation was astonishing to our whole army, yea, that they should be spared while there was a thousand of our brethren who were slain. And we do justly ascribe it to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.

The story of the Herman Warriors really is about god’s protection, and how he Will protect those who honor him. He will use his power to give us strength. I’m reminded of ether 12:27, that if we come on to Christ and have faith in him he will help our weak things becomes strong. You get the less motivation you have, and even the less hope less hope you have, that you can overcome certain character flaws or weaknesses.  But I must not give up hope! Perhaps the inspiration I received recently to begin to study the atomic habits book and Masterclass sessions give me the knowledge I need to overcome some negative habits that really revolve around not keeping commitments, lack of integrity, forgetting names, forgetting what people tell me, not truly listening when people are speaking, and forgetting what people say and experiences that I have. These are my biggest weaknesses and if I were to overcome them the last half of my life would be so much more enriching with less friction, frustration, and despair. I pray and I hope that heavenly father will help me overcome his weaknesses.

When do I most need courage in my life? I believe it’s when there is a critical conversation that needs to be had with an employee, a student, a neighbor, a loved one, a customer that is upset, etc. In my life these moments have been the hardest to muster up courage and sometimes I have not been successful and it failed. There have been many times where I have had the courage to have the conversation needed with an upset patient at the dental office, and upset customer at assist, an upset employee at eAssist.  These were chapters concerning the 2000 young stripling Warriors, teach us that a powerful way to be courageous is to have faith in God.

Think in the past when I was younger I related courage to being able to go into a dark place and Face scary situation that felt like something from Halloween. But in all practicality the situations that I see every week revolve around not meeting someone’s expectations, or not being truthful about how I feel when someone is expressing their ideas in meetings, or not accepting criticism and facing criticism head on. One of the hardest parts of being a CEO and building a company is the Constant backbiting but employees seem to give towards me even my own brother told me that everyone talks about their boss negatively and that I shouldn’t worry about it. He implied that he did his son did, – It’s just too much or has been too much for me to take. I need to have the courage enough to correct people when they’re wrong with kindness and encourage people to be their best selves and perform the highest level that they can. I need to inspire them I need to have the courage to love them even when they do not love me.

Alma 53 10 – 22

10 And now behold, I have somewhat to say concerning the people of Ammon, who, in the beginning, were Lamanites; but by Ammon and his brethren, or rather by the power and word of God, they had been converted unto the Lord; and they had been brought down into the land of Zarahemla, and had ever since been protected by the Nephites.

11 And because of their oath they had been kept from taking up arms against their brethren; for they had taken an oath that they never would shed blood more; and according to their oath they would have perished; yea, they would have suffered themselves to have fallen into the hands of their brethren, had it not been for the pity and the exceeding love which Ammon and his brethren had had for them.

12 And for this cause they were brought down into the land of Zarahemla; and they ever had been protected by the Nephites.

13 But it came to pass that when they saw the danger, and the many afflictions and tribulations which the Nephites bore for them, they were moved with compassion and were desirous to take up arms in the defence of their country.

14 But behold, as they were about to take their weapons of war, they were overpowered by the persuasions of Helaman and his brethren, for they were about to break the oath which they had made.

15 And Helaman feared lest by so doing they should lose their souls; therefore all those who had entered into this covenant were compelled to behold their brethren wade through their afflictions, in their dangerous circumstances at this time.

16 But behold, it came to pass they had many sons, who had not entered into a covenant that they would not take their weapons of war to defend themselves against their enemies; therefore they did assemble themselves together at this time, as many as were able to take up arms, and they called themselves Nephites.

17 And they entered into a covenant to fight for the liberty of the Nephites, yea, to protect the land unto the laying down of their lives; yea, even they covenanted that they never would give up their liberty, but they would fight in all cases to protect the Nephites and themselves from bondage.

18 Now behold, there were two thousand of those young men, who entered into this covenant and took their weapons of war to defend their country.

19 And now behold, as they never had hitherto been a disadvantage to the Nephites, they became now at this period of time also a great support; for they took their weapons of war, and they would that Helaman should be their leader.

20 And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.

21 Yea, they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before him.

22 And now it came to pass that Helaman did march at the head of his two thousand stripling soldiers, to the support of the people in the borders of the land on the south by the west sea.

How do I build faith? Faith of a strong enough to help me overcome my fear and have courage to face people that are disappointed or to have critical conversations? The answers may be found in the story of the 2000s trip of warriors. These verses found an Alma 53 teach that faith grows by understanding and reading the word of God. It helps you can be converted into the Lord. Of course I know this when I read the scriptures more I have more faith. These last three weeks have been wonderful in that regard, since buying the Apple vision pro and using this to come to this sacred Grove in my backyard and to read to write through dictation, I’m reminded with the spirit feels like. I learned this when I was a missionary. I felt it every day like this. There been times in my life I’ve had it and there have been times in my life I have not. The promise here is I will have more courage if I read the scriptures. I will have more courage in that day because I will have more faith on that day.

Covenants also increase your faith. Especially when you keep them. 

Another way to increase your faith is to keep the commandments! Be true at all times and whatsoever thing you are and entrusted.  

Alma 56:46 teaches us the reason why these stripping warriors had so much courage.” Behold our God is with us, and he will not suffer that we should fail.”  It really is a simple as that increasing your faith Will help you have more courage. You can make comments like this. In other words Setting I’m breaking commandments destroy courage. It’s one more reason why we should walk the disciple path, build faith every day, read scriptures, serve others, pray and do what is necessary to grow our faith every day – Because increased faith means we will have increased courage.  

I’ve never thought of this correlation before! I’ll never see, or I hope to never forget, the true meaning behind humans 2000 stripling warriors is really a story that connects Faith with courage.

Alma 58 40 teaches that our observance of keeping commandments continually is directly proportional to the strength of our faith! So, we can add one more variable to this formula. We can call this the courage formula:

Studying the word of God increases faith.Keeping Commandments increases faith.  Your level of faith is directly proportional to your level of courage.

K + R = F;  F= C

Whereas K equals knowledge; R equals righteousness; F equals faith; C equals courage

If I cultivate my faith daily, I may not have marvelous Power that comes from God to fight up enemy with a sword and a shield or a gun, but I will have marvelous power to be able to confront my fears and overcome them and have the courage needed to pick up the phone and talk with people about whatever critical conversation needs to be had. I can harness the strength of God in my life and have miraculous strength and power to influence and inspire, listen and Connect with those that need my attention.

President Nelson asked us to review the topical guide about having faith in the savior. Here it is:

Jesus Christ

  See also Bread of Life; Cornerstone; God, Creator; Godhead; God the Father, Jehovah; Jesus Christ, Advocate; Jesus Christ, Antemortal Existence of; Jesus Christ, Appearances, Antemortal; Jesus Christ, Appearances, Postmortal; Jesus Christ, Ascension of; Jesus Christ, Atonement through; Jesus Christ, Authority of; Jesus Christ, Baptism of; Jesus Christ, Betrayal of; Jesus Christ, Birth of; Jesus Christ, Condescension of; Jesus Christ, Creator; Jesus Christ, Crucifixion of; Jesus Christ, Davidic Descent of; Jesus Christ, Death of; Jesus Christ, Divine Sonship; Jesus Christ, Exemplar; Jesus Christ, Family of; Jesus Christ, Firstborn; Jesus Christ, Foreordained; Jesus Christ, Glory of; Jesus Christ, Good Shepherd; Jesus Christ, Head of the Church; Jesus Christ, Jehovah; Jesus Christ, Judge; Jesus Christ, King; Jesus Christ, Lamb of God; Jesus Christ, Light of the World; Jesus Christ, Lord; Jesus Christ, Mediator; Jesus Christ, Messenger of the Covenant; Jesus Christ, Messiah; Jesus Christ, Millennial Reign; Jesus Christ, Mission of; Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son; Jesus Christ, Power of; Jesus Christ, Prophecies about; Jesus Christ, Redeemer; Jesus Christ, Relationships with the Father; Jesus Christ, Resurrection; Jesus Christ, Rock; Jesus Christ, Savior; Jesus Christ, Second Comforter; Jesus Christ, Second Coming; Jesus Christ, Son of Man; Jesus Christ, Spirit of; Jesus Christ, Taking the Name of; Jesus Christ, Teaching Mode of; Jesus Christ, Temptation of; Jesus Christ, Trials of; Jesus Christ, Types of, in Anticipation; Jesus Christ, Types of, in Memory; BD Jesus


 His birth is foretold, Luke 1:26–38.

 is born, Matt. 1:18–25 (Luke 2:1–7).

 is circumcised, Luke 2:21.

 is presented in the temple, Luke 2:22–38.

 is visited by the wise men, Matt. 2:1–12.

 flees to Egypt, Matt. 2:13–18.

 is brought to Nazareth, Matt. 2:19–23 (Luke 2:39).

 visits Jerusalem, Luke 2:41–50.

 brothers and sisters of, Matt. 13:55–56 (Mark 6:3).

 is baptized, Matt. 3:13–17 (Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–23).

 is tempted by the devil, Matt. 4:1–11 (Mark 1:12–13; Luke 4:1–13).

 calls His disciples, Matt. 4:18–22 (9:9; Mark 1:16–20; 2:13–14; Luke 5:1–11, 27–28; 6:12–16; John 1:35–51).

 commissions the Twelve, Matt. 10:1–4 (Mark 3:13–19; Luke 6:12–16).

 Sermon on the Mount, Matt. 5–7.

 sends disciples forth by twos, Matt. 9:35–11:1 (Mark 6:7–13; Luke 9:1–6).

 foretells His death and resurrection, Matt. 16:21–26 (17:22–23; 20:17–28; Mark 8:31–37; 9:30–32; 10:32–45; Luke 9:22–25; 9:43–45; 18:31–34).

 is transfigured, Matt. 17:1–8 (Mark 9:2–8; Luke 9:28–36).

 sends forth the seventy, Luke 10:1–24.

 triumphal entry of, into Jerusalem, Matt. 21:1–11 (Mark 11:1–11; Luke 19:29–44; John 12:12–19).

 institutes the Lord’s Supper, Matt. 26:26–29 (Mark 14:22–25; Luke 22:17–20; 1 Cor. 11:23–26).

 is betrayed, arrested, and forsaken, Matt. 26:47–57 (Mark 14:43–53; Luke 22:47–54; John 18:2–13).

 is crucified, Matt. 27:31–56 (Mark 15:20–41; Luke 23:26–49; John 19:16–30).

 is resurrected, Matt. 28:1–8 (Mark 16:1–8; Luke 24:1–12; John 20:1–10).

 appears after His resurrection, Matt. 28:9–20 (Mark 16:9–18; Luke 24:13–50; John 20:11–31; Acts 1:3–8; 1 Cor. 15:5–7).

 ascends to heaven, Mark 16:19–20 (Luke 24:50–53; Acts 1:9–12).

 appears to the Nephites, 3 Ne. 11:1–17 (chaps. 11–26).

      saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, Acts 7:55.

 I am Jesus whom thou persecutest, Acts 9:5 (22:8; 26:15).

 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth, Acts 10:38.

 hath God … raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus, Acts 13:23.

 testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ, Acts 18:5.

 evil spirit … said, Jesus I know, and Paul, Acts 19:15.

 so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, Rom. 6:3.

 any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified, 1 Cor. 2:2.

 no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor. 12:3.

 Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone, Eph. 2:20.

 at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, Philip. 2:10.

 every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, Philip. 2:11.

 Jesus Christ of the seed of David, 2 Tim. 2:8.

 Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, Heb. 2:9.

 great high priest … Jesus the Son of God, Heb. 4:14.

 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, Heb. 12:2.

 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever, Heb. 13:8.

    Messiah … his name shall be Jesus Christ, 2 Ne. 25:19 (Mosiah 3:8).

 I am Jesus Christ the Son of God, 3 Ne. 9:15 (11:10).

 God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, Ether 2:12.

 I am Jesus Christ … the Father and the Son, Ether 3:14 (3:17–20).

    in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him, D&C 59:5.

    mine Only Begotten Son … which is Jesus Christ, Moses 6:52.

Right hand of God

Doctrine and covenants 88: 63

Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and you shall find me; ask, and you shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened.

This has been my experience – The cougars way to fill the Holy Ghost is to make time every day to draw onto the Lord the promise here is that he will draw near unto me. It requires diligence diligence has a promise that you will find him. Pray and you will receive the spirit search and act and exercise your faith by “knocking” and you will receive the faith.

“Many of us have cried out from the depths of our hearts a variation of this woman’s words: “If I could spiritually stretch enough to draw the Savior’s power into my life, I would know how to handle my heart-wrenching situation. I would know what to do. And I would have the power to do it.”

When you reach up for the Lord’s power in your life with the same intensity that a drowning person has when grasping and gasping for air, power from Jesus Christ will be yours. When the Savior knows you truly want to reach up to Him—when He can feel that the greatest desire of your heart is to draw His power into your life—you will be led by the Holy Ghost to know exactly what you should do. ”

– – President Nelson

The promise here is that like how it drowning person would reach up and gas per air that is the level of intensity that I need as I search for the Holy Ghost strive to have Christ spirit and influence in my life I need to reach up like that like a drowning person and the promises that he will fill my heart with his spirit he will draw himself unto me. 

What do I feel inspired to do to exercise by faith in Christ? I believe it’s keep reading my scriptures, writing in my journals, making time to think through spiritual things and fail the spirit feed my spirit. I also need to make time to serve other people. Matt and I were home teaching the other day and we asked the same question and that was Matt’s response I’m so proud of him. He said we have to serve other people that’s how you feel the spirit. I wonder if I share my testimony now and share that like how my dad pour his testimony once when I was Matt’s age and said something similar about me he said that I just wanted to live a noble life and how much that impressed him. My next meeting I will prep share my testimony and I will say something similar after my testimony of Christ of the spirit I want him to have the similar memory.

Followers of Jesus Christ are not easily offended

I love Marone eyes statement in Alma chapter 60 verse 23. He says now I would that you should remember that God has said that the inner vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also.

Remember Alma 60 verse 36. Marone reminds us not to seek for power but to pull it down. Not to seek for honor of the world but for the glory of God and the freedom and welfare of my country. Powerful insights and reminder about what’s truly important.

Amazing!!! These are amazing examples of how I should react someone accuses me of something that isn’t true. Instead of being angry I should turn the other cheek show kindness and love.

Lately I have been upset with the people Alan one. With Brad and to some degree Kellen. They’re not very focused right now and Brad’s not doing a very good job CEO. I think I need to set up being upset I just need to release him from the role find a CEO. Maybe Jeff is our CEO.

What does it mean to be meek? Can a leader be meek? Yes Christ was very meek and was the ultimate example of someone with meanness and he was the ultimate leader.

Matthew 11:29

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

The savior tells us in his verse that he is meek! He has many attributes that are strong and leader specific but the one he chose to lead with was meekness.

Again in doctrine and covenants section 19 verse 23 the savior says learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my spirit, and you shall have peace in me.

I’ve read these many times and I’ve never ever thought about how important it is to me meek or even that the savior identified himself as a meek person! Amazing.

Elder Bednar suggests that”Meekness is a defining attribute of the redeemer and is distinguished by righteous responsiveness, willing submissiveness, and strong self restraint.”

What is righteous responsiveness?  Perhaps it includes behavior that is morally justifiable or right when faced with stimulus that leads to a choice. One that is meek is expert at taking that space between stimulus and response and choosing a righteous response.

What is willing submissiveness? Perhaps that’s allowing yourself to be lead by Leaders and follow directions

What is strong self restraint? Surely it means in part strong self discipline, the ability to hold your tongue, the ability to restrain emotions, and the ability to resist Temptations.

“The Christlike quality of meekness often is misunderstood in our contemporary world. Meekness is strong, not weak; active, not passive; courageous, not timid; restrained, not excessive; modest, not self-aggrandizing; and gracious, not brash. A meek person is not easily provoked, pretentious, or overbearing and readily acknowledges the accomplishments of others.

Whereas humility generally denotes dependence upon God and the constant need for His guidance and support, a distinguishing characteristic of meekness is a particular spiritual receptivity to learning both from the Holy Ghost and from people who may seem less capable, experienced, or educated, who may not hold important positions, or who otherwise may not appear to have much to contribute. “– – Elder Bednar

This is the most amazing talk that I’ve read in a long time. I need to spend more time studying it. I need to make me an attribute that I seek for. It isn’t on my list of my 18 virtues. I need to add it. The number one virtue it’s a cousin of humility but it’s not the same thing it’s more powerful than humility perhaps it’s the truest version of humility when humility becomes a spiritual gift. 

Moroni  says this “wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs to have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.

And again behold I said to you that he cannot have faith and hope, he shall be meek, and lowly of heart.

If so, faith and hope is vain, for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly and Hart; if a man be me and lonely and Hart, and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must have charity; have not charity has nothing; wherefore he must have charity.”

Wow! I’ve read this before but I forgotten about it. I need to read the book of Mormon every day of my life going forward again I know this. My life is so much better when I hold onto Rod.

How can I better follow these examples and not be easily offended? Perhaps it’s a simple as developing meekness and remembering how important weakness is meekness you are offended with meekness you are not.

I have a responsibility to lift people around me

Alma 60:7–14 teaches us that it is our divine responsibility to care for people in need. We should not be slothful or have neglect towards people who we have stewardship over. We are held accountable for those that we should have helped but we may not have helped.

“behold, could you suppose that you could sit up on your thrones, and because of the exceeding goodness of God you could do nothing and he would deliver you? Behold, if you have suppose this you have suppose in vain.”

“… you have neglected them in so much that the blood of thousands shall come upon your heads for vengeance…”

“… Can you think to sit upon your thrones in a state of thoughtless stupor, while your enemies are spreading the work of death around you?…”

What can I do to be more aware of and meet the needs of others? Well it starts with helping my children, my wife, and my parents. I should then fulfill my calling.  Next, I should be responsive to those who I minister to. Above all, I should seek for the Holy Ghost to feel prompted to help those that are in need that I have stewardship for.

This is a good reminder that I am responsible to lift people around me. I wonder what other scriptures teach this principle. Yesterday Sadie Allred had her missionary farewell and she talked about the Holy Ghost letting the Holy Ghost guide us. My brother Taylor saying a song that he arranged of “because I have been given much I too must give “. That is one of my favorite hymns, it influenced me when I was 17. I remember singing it one Sunday in the back and filling the spirit moving me and teaching me the correctness of these principles. I then began to explore the idea of helping and lifting others around me more. Christ talks about this principle and the hymn a poor wayfaring man of grief also teaches the same concept. Not only when you help those that in your are in your stewardship are you helping them, but you are also doing it as if you were to the savior.

If I am humble, life’s challenges can turn my heart to God.

The analogy of putting a raw egg and potato in boiling water to either “soften” or “harden” the egg or potato is symbolic of the choice everyone has when they go through a trial. Will their hearts become softened? Or will they become hardened?

Someone with a soft heart is humble. Someone with a heart and heart is not submissive and humble.

Only someone that is humble and teachable –someone that is meek –Will allow the Holy Ghost to influence them to repent of their sins. And when someone is softened and is humble and is meek and as repent and keep commandments it is promised again in alma 62:48 “…that they began to prosper again in the land, and began to multiply and wax exceedingly strong again in the land. And they began to grow exceedingly rich.”

The good news is when your heart does become softened you are promised that this success and prosperity will and can return!

Verse 49 remind you that just because you have riches or your strength or prosperity that you do not become prideful. That you don’t think you’re better than others. That you become slow to remember god.

Alma 45: 23–24 teaches us that people that are hardhearted don’t give heat to the words of profits and Scripture they become proud full, they are lifted up in their hearts because of their wealth. They think that they have achieve their wealth and they are rich “their own eyes”. They do not give head to prophets or the writing of the scriptures. They no longer walk uprightly before god.

These versus teach us that there is a choice to be made when we go through trials and afflictions. Do we become hardened and look up to God and curse God and blame God and rebel and fight against God? Or do we bow our knee and our heads and open our hearts to whatever lesson the trial will help us learn. Do we seek for weakness and humility or pridefulness and rebellion? Do we become soft like a potato? Or hardened like an egg?

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