Alma chapter 17 verse 14
Beware of setting your heart upon riches like gold and silver, fancy cars, big homes, designer, clothing, precious stones, jewelry especially you seek to obtain these things it dishonest ways through theory tricking murdering. We are too labor for these things with our own hands. Yet beware to not let them become a false idol.
MOSIAH chapter 28 verse three
Love for other human beings Is the purest form of motivation and the noble reason why a person does missionary work.
ALMA chapter 17 verse two
this is one of my favorite versus that. I remember reading on my mission where the sons of Mosiah are reunited with Alba after going on missions. They rejoiced exceedingly it says to see each other, but what to the joy was that “they were still his brother and in the Lord “ he goes on to say that they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth then he explains how they did it. He says they were men of a sound understanding, and they had searched the Scriptures diligently that they might know the word of God.
wisdom being shared here is that the path to be coming? Bad of sound understanding is discipline is to search scriptures diligently. Grow your knowledge, especially knowledge of things that really matter the knowledge of things that are true. Making time to not be distracted with the things of the world entertain it with other ideas of things that aren’t true that don’t bring light that don’t bring knowledge, distractions, rich schemes entertainment can lead or keep someone from becoming a man or woman of sound understanding. And the goal of becoming a man or woman of sound understanding is so critical and foundational to living and abundant life.
action item; make time to search scriptures diligently every day at record the notes or ideas that come to you through revelation, and the Holy Spirit, which is why we take the sacrament every day anyway. Seek for the spirit so it could be with you so it gets sustained you so it inspires you to learn what you need to learn to solve problems that you’re facing to know that God loves you and has a plan for your life and you are in that upside down doubt it valleys are all part of that search for wisdom only to share it with those who you have stewardship to help nurture like your children but also, so you know that God loves you with every cell fiber through every heartache paid you know God is there that is the most important wisdom of all.
verse three teaches that there is more to becoming this sound bad of understanding and growing in the knowledge of the truth. Yes, you need to search diligently for it. But you also need to spend much time in prayer and fasting. Yes these they seem like primary answers, but there’s a reason why they are primary answers. They are primary make time for the most important things in your life becoming a man, bad or woman of sound understanding will do more for you then any other asset or treasure you can acquire. Because we are promised adverse three, but after searching diligently, praying much fasting match that you will have the spirit of prophecyspirit of revelation and will be able to teach with power and authority of God. Wow.!!! What a promise! I believe this formula not only applies to the gospel, but to any discipline that anyone is engaged in Mastrie, as long as there is truth there to be found discover what you need to search diligently to uncover that truth let pray much fast much and you’ll be visionary the spirit of prophecy is a visionary prophecy, or another words a skill to look into the future. Assist was so that was visionary. Every entrepreneur tries to be visionary. Every CEO tries to be a visionary. The secrets are unlocking that is right here in verse three study much that pray and fast if it’s truth, you’ll have it, of course having the spirit with you big righteous, keeping covenants the covenant path all of that is necessary for you to be able to have the discipline to do these things God wants all his children to be visionaries. He wants all of them to have revelation, but you need to write things down.
Alma chapter 18 versus 10 through 18
there are incredible leadership lessons being taught in these verses. I’ve captured many of them in my leadership journal and I’ll post a link to that at the end of this message first head talks about being a faithful servant and accomplishing everything you say you’re going to do executing on to do for your leader or manager verse 14 is an example of going to your leader and saying what would you have me do ? Verse 16 is an example of using revelation to accomplish your stewardship for 17 is an example of humility again understanding your position with this employer or manager I am your servant Abbott says, and I will do whatever you say, which is right in other words if it’s illegal if it’s immoral, I’m not going to do it but anything else you say that you like me to do even if I disagree with it I will do it as long as it is rightis not immoral. I will do it. That is good leadership and example of what it means to be a leader you have to be a follower. Great leaders are great followers that adverse 35 teaches how important it is to have the spirit dwell get you every day it gives you knowledge it gives you power in accordance to your faith and desires, which are in God amazing period.
how can I become a more effective instrument in helping others come to Christ? As a missionary, we would pray to be led by the spirit to find those members of the house of Israel that we needed to gather in. We were more effective when we had the spirit with us. Maybe the answer to this question is a simple as that when you have a spirit with you, you behave differently kinder wiser, you have more courage or less emotional. You make better decisions, your lead to do things and be in places and say things and talk with people and open your heart and mind in ways that God can use to influence others to come into Christ maybe it’s a simple as that?
Alma chapter 19 verse 33 teaches an important principle about being good. Ammon served the people and by serving them their hearts were changed, and when their hearts were changed, they had no more desire to do evil. When their hearts were changed, they then did believe in words in the words of the prophets in what Alma was teaching them and they became a righteous people baptized establish to church and the Lord poured out their spirit, his spirit upon them. In short, the arm of the Lord was extended to all people who repent and believe on his name.
in Alma chapter 19 verse 17 we see that a bitch sees a miracle and she makes it clear to all that she knows to all the people that she knows running from house to house as the scripture say about what happened and testifying the power of God in this thing made it known unto the people. This is an example of one way to show people that we love the power about the power of God as a father and a leader can spend my time capturing these miracles journaling about these miracles and teaching people that I love about these miracles in conversations and stories through movies books websites culture building.
1. Draw close to god
how do I draw close to God? It’s probably something that is necessary every day or another words is easier to think crew if I understand that it’s a daily quest. Elder odor suggest asking these questions. Do I really believe in heavenly father? Do I love and trust him? Of course, the answers to these questions are yes I believe in God, the eternal father he created me and his son he created this world. This is his plan how salvation my purposes to grow and if I’m growing every day becoming better every day and I’m fulfilling the measure of my creation or I in other words, I am Living abundantly, I love God I trust in God’s plan. Which means I need to accept mountains and valleys in my life peaks and troughs so to speak and failures, knowing that all these things are designed to give me experience to teach me to refine my character. To improve who I am and what I am heavenly, father’s light and joy will shine in my accountants when I’m loving him and trusting him in this way.
2 fill your heart with love for others.
the second great Commandment is to love others sometimes when I’m walking down an airplane aisle on my way to the restroom I look at all the people on the plane and I try to envision them as my brothers and sisters. I’ve been doing this since I was a missionary and whenever I have that experience on an airplane like I recently had it reminds me of when I was 21 years old hear the scriptures every day looking at brothers and sisters in a different a way. the best way to show or to love someone is to minister to them. Talk with them. Laugh with them. Smile with them rejoice with them weep with them show respect towards their beliefs and opinions agree without being disagreeable disagree without being disagreeable try to lift them try to inspire them. Try to strengthen them. Try to heal them. Have compassion deep from within. Emulate the love of Christ through compassion towards others, even to those who are unkind to me who mock me and wish and do cause harm to me, love them and treat them as fellow children of heavenly father online and off-line.
3. Strive to walk the path of discipleship.
As I follow the first and second grade, Commandments, loving God and others, I am being a disciple of Christ and the more I act this is disciple. My commitment to follow him improves. Make time to have the habit of feasting upon his words daily. Make time and develop the habit of heating and applying his teachings and the teachings of modern prophets and apostles. Pray to heavenly father have a teaching teachable and humble Heart.
begin every day as if you are on a path a path called discipleship each day little by little Grace for Grace line upon line as I learned his teachings and bring to my remembrance his teachings. I will make better decisions every day that allow me to have the spirit to be with me more abundantly don’t ever give up the result of all this hard work and quiet time with me and God is that I become happier and I’m more authentic. It will be easier for me to do things that were hard, including sharing the gospel. I will be better.
4. Sharing what is in your heart
I think it’s been easy for me over the years to share what is in my heart. I learned this from watching my dad. He easily talked about the book of Mormon in the go gospel to others. Mick, I think Rassmussen Mick Rassmussen was an influence for good to my dad in this way and for me and this way he always shared his test money in the gospel. I do this often in our meetings we talk about come follow me we talk about spiritual things we say prayerswe let our light shine Uber drivers here testimonies for me. My kids have seen me do this, but I could do it more on social media Facebook Instagram. Twitter could spend more time sharing the gospel in that way I could flush out the LDS audiobook foundation better talk about on someone asks about my weekend. Talk about the church. Talk about church experiences. Talk about my daughter Savannah on a mission. I’m so proud of her. She’s doing such a fantastic job!
5. Trust the lord to work his miracles.
Remember above all the Lord does work miracles the Holy Ghost converts others. It’s not my job to convert them, but it is my opportunity to help them. Prepare their heart to fill the Holy Ghost. Don’t forget you have been a successful missionary over the years to EAssister have joined the church. The most recent Tamara the Lord works in mysterious ways just don’t forget the power that comes from being in the right place at the right time and using your resources, even if it means, you sometimes can’t make sense from the situations you end there is a purpose and helping people feel this spirit is the most important thing that you can do so that God can do his work and accomplish his miracles .
Believe, love, do.