Amulek like was a man with no small reputation. What does that mean?
He also had many kindred and friends and had acquired much riches by the head of his industry. Another word he worked really hard to use blast he made he was able to make friends. I think I struggled making deep friendships.
what does it mean to enter into the rest of the Lord? See Alma chapter 13 verse 16. Does it mean walking with the Holy Ghost? Does it mean having peace of mind? Perhaps this is the ultimate gift that Christ can give a person to enter into his rest. Can it happen in this life? Or does it pertain only to the future when we die? I believe I can fill and I have felt his rest in my life. Perhaps that is why we take the sacrament every Sunday so that we could have his spirit to be with us? Maybe having his spirit to be with us is entering it to his rest?
Alma chapter 13 verse One
The Lord ordains priest and gives the priesthood so they could teach others
verse two
The priest is after the holy order of the son of God to remind us to look to Christ for redemption
verse three
Sub who receives the priesthood is called and prepared before this earth to receive it. That’s powerful idea that somehow God chose me and loved me or that I was worthy enough to be one of his priests. It says because it chapter 3 because of exceeding faith and good works or deeds and that I had a choice to choose good or evil and I chose good
verse four
People have rejected the spirit of God because of hard hearts and blind minds, but all we’re welcome to receive it at this gift of receiving the priesthood would’ve been theirs or could be theirs. If they did have a heart heart and their mind in other words it’s open to all and it’s our choice to choose
verse five
All men are equal before God. But God is also just and he gives consequences to others based on their decisions. Choose wisely every day.
verse six
If you’re called to the priest, you’re asked to teach others about Christ so they could find his rest in this life and the life to come in other words, to Christ all ye that are late that labor and are heavy related to his rest, take his yoke upon you. of him
verse seven
The priest, after the order of the sun exist from eternity to eternity.
verse eight
Receiving the priest, that is a holy ordinance
verse Nine
When someone is ordained a high priest, you are ordaineda high priest for forever
Verse Ten
Many our ordained a high priest, and they choose to repent it to be righteous after the fact or else they perish
verse 11
When you call a high priest, you are sanctified you become washed through the blood of the lamb
verse 12
With a high priest is specified by the Holy Ghost that becomes pure and spotless through that ordinaace, They could no longer tolerate Sin. This is the necessary step it entering into the rest of the Lord.
verse 13
What can never enter into the rest of the Lord if they don’t humble themselves before God do things that show repentance in other words break for fruit meet for repentance
verse 14
Everyone that has received the priesthood has humbled themselves in this way
verse 15
Pay tithing
verse 16
the priesthood should provide this of Christ. They remind us to look forward to him for remission of our sins
verse 17
Even members of the church can become sinful and be guilty of many abominations . It happened with the Jewish people. It happened with Melchizedek
verse 18
High priest is expected to exercise mighty faith to preach repentance. Ed should expect that they can hit fluids others to repent at this will bring about peace. Righteousness equals peace. What is the opposite of peace? Discord contention ? Stress? Fear? War?
what someone does not exercise faith, and repent that they cannot have peace. In other words, they cannot enter into the rest of the Lord. It’s dead they experience stress fear anger The spiritual battle in their soul.
How do I feel about the priesthood as I put these truths? I think for the first time in my life I recognize that the priesthood is to provide has a dual purpose. It is to provide All to look to the son of God for redemption. secondly, when someone receives the priesthood, it purifies them. What’s receiving it? They need to continually repent. some that should use the priesthood to influence others to enter into the rest of the Lord.
every ordinance that I ever received for baptism receiving the Holy Ghost taking the sacrament big set apart for colleagues, giving blessings of comfort to Hailee and receiving blessings by patriarchal, blessing, and all temple or is have helped me feel the spirit I see now these ordinates is add this spirit you feel is to point my heart to Christ to purify me and to sanctify me. I remember being set apart as a bishop by President James Brandt. I felt purified I remember hearing your voice. Your kids are forgive forgiven go down and serve with all of your heart might mind and strength. it really was special and the gift to me.