Come Follow Me Notes

All Things Must Be Done in Order

March 15–21 Doctrine and Covenants 27–28 “All Things Must Be Done in Order” Elder D. Todd Christofferson said that as you study the scriptures and record……

Strengthen the Church

March 8–14 Doctrine and Covenants 23–26 “Strengthen the Church” As you read Doctrine and Covenants 23–26, make note of the impressions you receive from the Hol…

The Rise of the Church of Christ

March 1–7 Doctrine and Covenants 20–22 “The Rise of the Church of Christ” As you read Doctrine and Covenants 20–22, be open to the impressions of… …

Stand as a Witness

February 22–28 Doctrine and Covenants 18–19 “The Worth of Souls Is Great” The revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants were given in response to specific……

Stand as a Witness

February 15–21 Doctrine and Covenants 14–17 “Stand as a Witness” Joseph Smith’s family and friends sometimes asked him to seek revelation about what God wanted&…

Upon You My Fellow Servants

February 8–14 Doctrine and Covenants 12–13; Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75 “Upon You My Fellow Servants” Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received additional kn…

That You May Come Off Conqueror

As the translation of the Book of Mormon progressed, a question naturally arose: What should Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery do about those pages of…