September 16–22: lift up your head and be of good cheer.

I feel so much comfort right now. I need the spirit in my life. I need it every hour. I need it. Just like nephi of old, making time to pray and seek for the spirit is the first step every day to have it.

Becoming converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ requires patient and effort.

Things that weaken conversion: 


  1.  Not believing the prophet’s words and making fun of righteous people
  1. Wickedness of the rising generation; unrighteous children weaken parents faith if we let it.
  1. Time that leads people to forget the spiritual experiences that they have had. 
  1. Believing that men were trying to deceive them to be good and labeling the gospel, foolish and fake
  1. Pride. 
  1. Fighting and “returning railing for railing”; protesting strongly when people protest against you; contention.
  1. Inequality
  1. Iniquity 
  1. Seeking for power and authority and riches and the vain things of the world
  1. Willfully rebelling against God. 

Things that strengthen conversion: 

  1.  Having faith in the prophets words and praying for help
  1. Feeling compassion for those that are fallen away
  1. Remembering spiritual experiences and seeking for them regularly
  1. Being aware that Satan wants to harden your heart and blind your eyes
  1. Repenting and prayer; fear God and ask him for protection and deliverance and for his strength
  1. Showing gratitude to God and praising God for all that he has given them
  1. Humility.
  1. Ministering to others. 

Because of Jesus Christ, I can “be a good cheer.“

Heavenly father told Nephi to be a good year because Jesus Christ was about to be born into the world. He has the light of the world when we follow his teachings and truly be one of his disciples of his Saints. We can be a good year always.

It’s interesting that the scriptures often use the phrase “B of good cheer“. It’s a reminder to us to be happy. A reminder that when things go wrong that is the time to be a good chair not just when things are going right. It means having hope, not getting discouraged, not losing faith, and living life joyfully. It means facing life with confidence.

Our trials are given to us for a reason – – the Lord knows what we need to grow. I need to be an absolutely honest man. I need to take a record of everything I say and do every night to ensure that I am being 100% honest . By journaling these things I’ll have a greater sense of my progression. I also need to live the higher law of the gospel and stop by Christ and all things.  I have a sincere desire to put my life in harmony with God. I pray that he will always be ready to help. Use my burdens.  “Come to me, Allie that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.“ the hope that I will be given Daley because of the faith that I have in God and in Christ becomes my anchor – – an anchor to the souls of men.  See ether 12:4.

4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.

The Savior has used the phrase “be of good cheer” on several occasions—for example, in Matthew 14:24–27; John 16:33; Doctrine and Covenants 61:36; 78:17–19. What impresses you about these invitations? 

The reminder that we should be optimistic is inspiring in the way that it’s used in these verses. Each of these versus also then go on dimension why we should be a good cheer – – the savior is coming!  We are reminded not to be afraid, to let Christ lead us along, to be grateful.  Christ is telling us that he will help us overcome our fears.

When I have felt discouraged, or when I have been saddened or burdened with trials, making time to bring the spirit into my life that day has made all the difference in coping with these emotions. it brings a subtle sense of peace, and that piece brings with it internal strength.

President Nelson has taught “my dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has a little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.“  he went onto quote eliza r snow who said speaking about spending a night in freezing temperatures while being exiled from Missouri, “ that was a very very night. None but Saints can’t be happy under every circumstance.“

I’m a latter-day saint! I should use the word saint more often than we do. It’s part of my identity. 

The secret to claiming that joy? President Nelson offers these suggestions:

  1.  Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, in every thought.
  1. Give thanks for Jesus in our prayers 
  1. Keep the covenants that I have made with him and our heavenly father 
  1. Pray for Joy 

Focusing on joy brings God’s power into our lives!  Christ showed us the way when he looked for joy to give him the power to endure the cross. See Hebrews 12:2.

Amazing! Christ himself, looked and focused on joy so he could have the power to endure all the pain and suffering that he went through to atone for the world sins.

President Nelson even suggest that by focusing on joy that is the key to allowing our weaknesses to become strength. It allows trials to become blessings. It allows disappointments, even tragedies to turn for our good. It is the great key to unlocking the powers of heaven in our lives. I have never thought of this before ever. Wow! I hope I do not forget this grand key or secret to coming onto Christ, which then allows me to be perfected in him.

38 And the Lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ. Now this was according to the prayer of Alma; and this because he prayed in faith.

– – Alma 31:38 

Joy is a gift for the faithful. It is the gift that comes from intentionally trying to live a righteous life, stop by Jesus Christ. Choose heavenly father to be our God and when we can’t feel the saviors at working in our lives, we will be filled with joy. 

  1.  Choose heavenly father to be our God 
  1. Fill the saviors atonement working in your life 
  1. Nurture our spouse 
  1. Guide my children
  1.  forgive someone
  1. Ask for forgiveness
  1. Choose to live celestial law 
  1. Keep my covenants 
  1. Help others keep their covenants

How can I focus more on Jesus Christ? Making time to feed my spirit every day. Feeling the spirit every day. Choosing to love my wife and my family and my life.

The Lord will fulfill all his words in his time.

The believers kept their face strong by looking for miracles. They thought about the scriptures often and the prophecies. They listen to prophets. Chose to believe.

How has the Lord fulfilled his words in your life? Well, there have been many miracles in my life things that connect dots by connecting people and experiences. He’s been there for me time and time again come on Christ to be perfected in him.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Scripture in three Nephi 5:13 is one that I quoted to myself in front Royal Virginia as a missionary. “Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.” When I was a missionary, this phrase meant that I was called as a missionary to bless other people so that they could have everlasting life. It got to the root cause of why I was doing what I was doing and who I really am.

  1. The disciples of Christ are visited by the power and the spirit of God. 
  1. Disciples of Christ, retain this power and spirit of God by repenting daily in other words, they actively strive to change their hearts and their mindset and their thoughts and their actions to align them with God’s will every day 
  1. they are humble people they are not lifted up in their pride. 
  1. they do not boast.  
  1. They do not brag about their riches. 
  1. They do not brag about their education 
  1. when persecuted they turn the other cheek. 
  1. They do not seek for power or authority or the vain things of the world. 
  1. They also share the gospel and strive to gather the house of Israel from the four corners of the Earth.
  1. Disciples of Christ make and keep covenants with God. 

When I exercise faith in Jesus Christ, I don’t need to fear.

There are spiritual dangers that I face in life. Including those that mock my faith and make fun of Utah and make fun of latter-day Saints. There are those that try to convince you that faith isn’t real and the church isn’t true. These tactics aren’t new. The adversaries been using them since the Earth Was born. 

One temptation is to hate other people. Hate and anger, destroys peace and clarity of thought in mind it destroys character. Be adjusted man! That is one way to have courage against evil.

I know what it feels like to be taken advantage of by evil people. Ironically, it is my kindness and generosity that keeps me from seeing it sooner but honestly I hope I never lose that but instead, I’m able to recognize when dishonest people that I should not be able to trust are trying to take advantage of me.

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word as among among his people, that they might have everlasting life .

A disciple of Christ is delegated in keeping commandments of the Lord. Chief among us, Commandments is to love God, and I love your fellow man. It is impossible to do either if you do not have integrity.  So perhaps the third grade commandment is to after loving yourself, is to have integrity.

Perhaps the, the Commandments are as simple as these four:

Number one love God

Number two love your fellow mad

Number three love yourself

Number four live with integrity.

Somebody that has great faith in Christ will have angels minister onto you daily. It says in three Nephi 7:18.


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