September 2–8: Remember the Lord

He teaches his sons that only Christ can save us, but that “he should not come to redeem them in their sins, but to redeem them from their sins.” 

That’s a powerful difference and adverb and important adverb. Christ is successful at changing a man’s heart they no longer have a desire to sin

I really feel like I have been set free from a desire to be praised by others. Maybe not. Maybe my trial has lessened this dramatically but it’s still there. I’ve just learned that how people praise you isn’t because of riches. That usually makes them envious . Where is my heart set upon? Is it set upon riches? I don’t think so. I give freely so much so that it has made me less of a successful business person because I give away too much to staff and employees and don’t down the expenses so to speak. I don’t care about clothing, handbags, or even fancy cars. I guess the trial the last eight years has helped me overcome these things, but the trial really focused on not being good enough and not being accepted by God and that was devastating to me.But I need to be honest I need to not steal equity, but be righteous and good and clean at pure. 

I need to turn to God every day and remember him 

Helaman 12:2 reminds us that when things are good. When we’re prosperous – – that it is a temptation of all people to become prideful and not give credit to God for your prosperity; “yay, and this because of their ease, and their exceedingly great prosperity 

This is a great reminder that man must learn to come to God with humility and never be compelled to be become humble.  It is my hope and prayer that I am never compelled, but that every day I turn to God and truly live.

Helaman 12:2 

When a person begins to become prosperous, they often forget God because of the ease of the way and they’re exceedingly great prosperity

Prophets reveal the will of God to the people

Nephi is teaching in helaman chapter 7 that if you don’t remember Christ it is because of pride.  We also teaches that going to a tower to pray what prophets do. Finding a place to be alone that helps you feel closer to God is good.

17-18 oh repent ye, repent ye! Why will you die? Turn ye, turn ye, unto the Lord your God. Why has he forsaken you? It is because you have hardened your heart; yay, you will not hearken onto the voice of the good shepherd; yay, you have provoked him to anger against you.


I don’t want to have a heart heart. I want to always listen to the voice with a good Shepherd. How does that voice speak to me? Through the Holy Ghost. Through visions in the nighttime”Dreams.”; Through impressions and feelings.

Do I want to get gain and praise of men? No I believe that has been refined out of my heart. The Lord will not grant strength to someone who cares about riches and the praise of men.

Another warning is not sin against the greater knowledge that you have.  

Helaman 7:29 behold now, I do not say that these things shall be, of myself, because it is not of myself that I know these things; but behold, I know that these things are true because the Lord God has made them known unto me, therefore I testify that they shall be.  

Powerful powerful powerful reminder that the Holy Ghost reveals truth he will teach me if I knock or other words if I seek him for it.

One of my favorite verses is in helaman eight: 14–15

Yay, did he not bear record that the son of God should come? And as he lifted up the brazen serpent in the wilderness, even so shall he be lifted up who should come. And as many as should look upon that serpent should live, even so as many as should look upon the son of God with faith, having a contrite spirit, might live, even unto that life which is eternal.

In short Moses brazen serpent Staff that he used to heal those that were sick is symbolic of Christ. Number one it takes faith to look to the son of God. Number two you must have a contrite spirit to believe that looking up upon the son of God shall do anything for you. In other words be humble and look to God the son of God with faith to find eternal life.

Helaman 11: 23 teaches that these prophets had many revelations daily –they taught those revelations to the people to try to calm the people down and Bring peace. If I make time every day to receive revelation and inspiration I too Will have power and strength to become and other experience calmness.

We’re also reminded the pride can grow in degrees inverse 37 the people did “wax stronger and stronger in their pride” which brought more and more wickedness. When this happens people are warned that their society will fall by fear this is happening to America and to the west. It’s my hope that latter-day Saints will stay true to what is right and even if America Falls because of Pride which brings and leads to wickedness the country of Utah or perhaps renamed Deseret Will hold True so what is right. To live a life of integrity that is the highest form of charity.

I believe most recently I have been inspired by President Nelson’s insight to think celestial. I’ve also been inspired by his focus on Jesus Christ and worshiping Christ. He led the entire church closer to embracing Christ as our Lord and savior and not merely just our elder brother. And that good it is good for me.

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