Plant this word in your hearts

Alma chapter 32–35

How much chapter 30 Begins by talking about the Pius Zeit, who would pray on a rami Upton. They were very prideful whirly and thought that they were better than the rest of the world. Their hearts were lifted up unto great boasting, in their pride. This is a good Example or reminder of how important being right in the mind and in the heart is to avoiding these kinds of temptations. Alma chapter 34 verse 28 remind us not to pray to be seen a men like these people were doing. But to truly live a God like life by not turning away the needy, Don’t have temporal needs, met, by not spending time with sick and afflicted people. He reminds us to be free and generous with our wealth and give it to those in need. If I can say this without sounding prideful or boastful, I believe these verses have made such an impact on me that One of the reasons why I am so generous with my substance. So generous, that I am not as good of a businessman or business leader, as I could be in terms of financial success if I wasn’t so generous to some degree. I have given large bonuses, I gave over $7 million in bonuses when he assists was sold that I did not have to give. Left the company with any year or two some of those people actively sought to destroy my reputation as the years or months went by because of disagreements that we may have had over issues that we were dealing with as a company. Most, if not all, we’re no longer grateful for the gifts after they receive them, rather they That I later felt was that they deserved this as payment and it was just another transaction that they had earned. I have helped many people by giving away money that I have, buy “imparting of my substance “. This verse is a Jetta reminder that what I am doing is right and what God expects a disciple of Christ to do. This validates the decisions I have reached and have made regarding generosity.

Alma chapter 32 is one of the most important chapters on faith, in my opinion, found in the Scriptures. It taught me as a young person how faith is developed by using an analogy of a tree. Large, healthy, mature trees do not start that way If faith is similar to a tree, our faith starts as a seedling or even a seed that is nurtured with sunlight, soil, nitrogen air water. All these things are necessary for it to continue to find what it needs to grow. Above all things that are important is light! Light or truth allows your seat of faith to grow as long as it is nourished. I’mma 32 clearly makes the case for why your seat of faith, or your testimony of faith is like the seed that requires not only sunlight, but also other substances like goodness Peace, service, obedience, prayer, fasting, diligence, knowledge! And like The mature tree that has grown from a seed to what it is today there will be trials and tribulations that twist your faith or another words. Try your faith similarly to how a tree has to fight for light or indoor wind, storms, and thunderstorms damage from other people, or plants other plants or other animals that may also nip at the bark at the tree of faith. So the faith may not grow in a straight line because of these trials, but the faith will grow, and it will look unique and different than someone else’s tree of faith because of what it had to overcome to become what it is today.  what a powerful analogy!

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