Alma chapter 30 through 31
the stories and insights found in these verses, clearly demonstrate the power of words for evil and for good there have been moments in my life when I was called to inspire others or lead others to do good or I felt the power of words flowing through me to do good President Brad asked me to speak once at a priesthood combined stake meeting where fathers and sons were present about overcoming pornography. I gave a 60 minute presentation that I felt inspired to give. I encourage the fathers to talk with their own sons about how they overcame it. I talked about Coaching and the need to bring things to light with Parents and not just Bishops to help anyone overcome any destructive behavior. Shining light on secrets is the secret for overcoming that secret. I felt the power of God in my life during that talk. I tried to get It recorded, but the recording didn’t really work, but I remember being on such a spiritual high. I said things that I had not thought of beforehand and they just flowed through my mind and my heart and my mouth and I helped people be better that day perhaps the closest I’ve come to filling that spirit use me Since then, since being released as a bishop has been leading Eassist and our group meetings when we’ve come together to discuss leadership insights and leadership principles also felt it as a teacher at BYU or another a professor at Byu, teaching students about whatever topic I prepared for when I find a way to relate it to the gospeL.
Alma chapter 31 verse five says: and now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just yay it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword or anything else which had happened under them – therefore, Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God.
In Almas debate with the antichrist named Korihor, He accuses him of being possessed with a lying spirit and accuses him of “ Putting off the spirit of God that it may have no place in you, but the devil has power over you and he death Carrie, you about, working devices that he made destroy the children of God“ Alma is teaching important to the spirit of God in your life and in your heart that it will have not only a place in you but power over you. The opposite is also true, If the spirit of God is not in you that makes room for the devil’s power to influence and be in you. He then will use you to destroy the plat of happiness and the children of God. It begins with the lying spirit. Perhaps this is the reason why lying is so destructive to you as an individual to your soul to those around you and to your community? It pushes out the spirit of God and that allows the devil to fill the void.
In Alma chapter 30 verse 44 Korihor asks for a sign. Alma’s response is to look at the world around you look at all creation, the Earth, the water, the mountains, the sky – all things denote. There is a God, even the stars and the planets testify of a supreme creator. I often find when I look up and see the night sky or see images Galaxies planets, etc., I too am in awe of its grander And think about heavenly father and this incredible universe that we have been gifted and have the privilege of being a citizen of.
Right now, my son Luke and I are designing waves for Atari‘s newest asteroids recharged release that we have licensed in partnership with them to manufacture a new Arcade cabinet playing asteroids recharged. I felt impressed to identify 47 of the closest galaxies that we’ve discovered and have images of. Luke and I are now making galaxies too demonstrate or show what this wonderful universe is for the players of the game a few minutes ago. He and I smiled and said let’s go down and create these worlds. Maybe this is why I I am attracted to game design because as you create levels or worlds, your tickling the divine purpose within your mind for our ultimate design to assist our heavenly father and his creations and in his eternal purposes.
Let me continue, in Alma chapter 30 verse 46 Alma again teaches that if someone has a hard heart, they will resist the spirit of truth, which will lead to the destruction of your soul. So the real request for all men is to find ways to soften your heart always so that you will not resist truth.
In Alma chapter 30 verses 12 through 18, and verses 23 through 28 KORIHOR taught the following:
- It’s impossible to know that Christ would come because no one can predict the future.
- There are no such thing as prophets and prophecies.
- You cannot know of a surety of anything that you cannot see.
- There is no such thing as a remission of sins.
- A Man only prospers, according to his genius.
- That whatever you do, there is no crime.
- When you die, that is the end of you.
- That ordinances are foolish.
- It is impossible for anyone to know if a prophecy is true.
- God is some unknown being that has never been seen or known, or who never will be.
what harm can result from accepting such ideas? Lack of perspective, lack of motivation, selfishness, impatience, greed—above all, pride.
What false messages is the adversary using to try to deceive me today? I believe the adversary is using church history, social media and other loud voices the Foster doubt in the miracle of the restoration. Nine times out of 10, those that embrace these ideas and leave the church and let go of the iron rod, stop believing in Christ, Are destroyed, their families become broken, the joys they want new in life are diminished, and they begin to live for the moment, seeking pleasures, money, status Period however, it’s important to live life of integrity. Even F1 stays true to their faith and hope in Christ and in the restoration, if they are double minded, then they often experience many of the same tragic consequences that come from letting go of the iron rod.
In Alma chapter 30 verse 41, Alma reminds us that nature is a testimony of a divine heavenly, father and creator. No one can deny the miracle of the seasons of the Earth flowers, fruits leaves, plants, and animals, insects, streams, snow, mountains, beaches, sand, wind, the moon, the stars, The planets, the galaxies, the universe! Everything needs a creator everything! The law of entropy states that things go from a state of order to disorder. All creation, In my own world or in gods perspective, things get messier if you don’t actively building create and push back against that disorder. Alma is testifying using things you can see that there is a creator. Whenever we see a sunset or feel the wind or sun On my skin or witness, the miracle of life, including the companionship of dogs and cats and animals – all these things are a testimony of God.
Verse 44: but Alma said unto him: thou has had signs enough; will thou tempt your God? Will you say, show unto me assigned, when you have the testimony of all these, my brother and, and also all the holy prophets? The Scriptures are laid before the, yay, and all things to note there is a God; yay, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yay, and its motion, yay, and also all the planets which move in their regular form to witness that there is a supreme creator.
I remember when I was missionary, we had a devotional for investigators at stake centers with ab broadcast from Salt Lake City. Elder Maxwell led the broadcast and he quoted this verse. He used galaxy imagery, and some music that helped communicate the majesty of the universe over laid with this verse. It was very inspirational.
Oh Say, What Is Truth?
1. Oh say, what is truth? ’Tis the fairest gem
That the riches of worlds can produce,
And priceless the value of truth will be when
The proud monarch’s costliest diadem
Is counted but dross and refuse.
2. Yes, say, what is truth? ’Tis the brightest prize
To which mortals or Gods can aspire.
Go search in the depths where it glittering lies,
Or ascend in pursuit to the loftiest skies:
’Tis an aim for the noblest desire.
3. The sceptre may fall from the despot’s grasp
When with winds of stern justice he copes.
But the pillar of truth will endure to the last,
And its firm-rooted bulwarks outstand the rude blast
And the wreck of the fell tyrant’s hopes.
4. Then say, what is truth? ’Tis the last and the first,
For the limits of time it steps o’er.
Tho the heavens depart and the earth’s fountains burst,
Truth, the sum of existence, will weather the worst,
Eternal, unchanged, evermore.
Text: John Jaques, 1827–1900
Music: Ellen Knowles Melling, 1820–1905
Doctrine and Covenants 93:23–28
John 18:37–38
I remember seeing this him when President Hinckley came to visit our mission. My companion Mazer Farber. This was one of his favorite hymns. Searching for truth is the essence of what it means to be a latter-day saint. We are never afraid of truth. We search for it. We seek After it. We embrace it!
“Mormonism,” so-called, embraces every principle pertaining to life and salvation, for time and eternity. No matter who has it. If the infidel has got truth it belongs to “Mormonism.” The truth and sound doctrine possessed by the sectarian world, and they have a great deal, all belong to this Church. As for their morality, many of them are, morally, just as good as we are. All that is good, lovely, and praiseworthy belongs to this Church and Kingdom. “Mormonism” includes all truth. There is no truth but what belongs to the Gospel. It is life, eternal life; it is bliss; it is the fulness of all things in the gods and in the eternities of the gods (DBY, 3). president Brigham Young
President Brigham Young said:
It is our duty and calling, as ministers of the same salvation and gospel, to gather every item of truth and reject every error. Whether a truth be found with professed infidels, or with the Universalists, or the Church of Rome, or the Methodists, the Church of England, the Presbyterians, the Baptists, the Quakers, the Shakers, or any other of the various and numerous different sects and parties, all of whom have more or less truth, it is the business of the elders of this Church, Jesus their elder brother being at their head, to gather up all the truths in the world pertaining to life and salvation, to the gospel we preach . . . , wherever it may be found in every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, and bring it to Zion.4
Elder Allen H Oaks taught that the Holy Ghost will protect us against being deceived, but to realize that wonderful blessing we must always do the things necessary to retain the spirit.
First Corinthians chapter 6 verses nine through 10.
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunker, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
noun. someone who speaks abusively or contemptuously to or of another person or thing: The author said his father was an alcoholic, a self-hating reviler of anyone and everyone who disagreed with him.
Galatians chapter 6 verses seven through eight.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever, a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh Shall of the flesh, reap corruption; but that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.
Doctrine and covenants section 45 verse 57.
For they that are wise, and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived – rarely I say you, they shall not be hung down and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day.
President Oaks teachers: it is not enough to know that God lives, that Jesus Christ is our savior, and that the gospel is true. We must take the highroad by acting upon that knowledge. It is not enough to know that President Gordon B Hinckley is God’s profit. We must put his Teachings to work in our lives. It is not enough to have a calling. We must fulfill our responsibilities. The things taught in This conference are not just to fill our minds. They are to motivate and guide our actions.
James chapter 1 verse 22 teaches: but Bures of the word, and not hears only, deceiving your own selves. Messiah chapter 4 verse 10 teaches, and now, if you believe all these things, see that you do them.
The sacrament prayers in Dr and covenant section 20 verse 77 clearly teaches that we must be willing to take upon ourselves the name of Christ, always remember him, and keep his commandments. If we do these three things, then the promises that the spirit will be with us.
I keep coming back to this theme lately that the essence of the gospel is having the Holy Ghost with you. It is the most important principal that helps us live life abundantly.