Come Follow Me Notes

September 16–22: lift up your head and be of good cheer.

I feel so much comfort right now. I need the spirit in my life. I need it every hour. I need it. Just like nephi… 

September 9–15: glad tidings of great joy

Helaman 13–16 Helaman 13:7 says behold, an angel of the Lord has declared it unto me, and he did bring glad tidings to my soul.… 

September 2–8: Remember the Lord

He teaches his sons that only Christ can save us, but that “he should not come to redeem them in their sins, but to redeem… 

The Rock of our Redeemer

August 26 – September 1: the Rock of our Redeemer  12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our… 

Preserved by his marvelous power

August 19–25: preserved by his marvelous power Alma 56:46–47 46 For as I had ever called them my sons (for they were all of them… 

Stand fast in the faith of Christ

August 12–18: standfast in the faith of Christ Why are there so many more chapters in the book of Mormon? Perhaps one of the answers… 

The great plan of happiness

Alma 39–42 Alma 49:30 yay, and there was continual peace among them, and exceedingly great prosperity in the church because of their heed and diligence… 

Look to God and Live

Alma chapters 36–38 Alma chapter 31:30 teaches that a disciple may experience pain in your soul when surrounded by wicked cultures. It is natural to… 

Plant this word in your hearts

Alma chapter 32–35 How much chapter 30 Begins by talking about the Pius Zeit, who would pray on a rami Upton. They were very prideful… 

The virtue of the word of God

Alma chapter 30 through 31 the stories and insights found in these verses, clearly demonstrate the power of words for evil and for good there… 

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